Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Changing Android Studio Settings locations

We have to remember that android studio is based on IntelliJ IDEA sftware from JetBrain. So many of customization related to the editor or the main prgram itself is contrlled by IntelliJ settings. S most of steps in this tutorial is indeed came from knowledge base of IntelliJ IDEA

Changing Android Studio setting locatins can be required in many situations like:

  1. You are running out of free disk space n system partiton.
  2. You are moving your android studio settings from user account to another.
  3. You need to know where exactly your settings are stored to backup or replace them
The folders used by the android stdio are the following:
  • Configuration folder : ${user.home}/.AndroidStudio/config
  • System folder: ${user.home}/.AndroidStudio/system
So android studio at first startup creates two folders called system and config under main folder called AndroidStudio under your user home. User home in windows 7 will be c:\users\username. Of course the stem partition is where your system installed. In brief this is the folder where your desktop and documents folder is located.

If you removed these folder then you can consider android studio is like newborn. You will lose every settings but this will affect your SDK.

Now if you want to change locations of these folders you need to change the settings of the above tow parameters. You will find them in a file called "idea.properties" inside "bin" folder under android studio installation folder. If you found them commented using #, then remove it before applying changes

Open it using any text editor like notepad or wordpad and change them to whatever you need.
Here is an practical example:

  1. Locate android studio installation:
    •  D:\Android\android-studio
  2. Open properties file
    1. D:\Android\android-studio\bin\idea.properties
  3. Change settings and save file
    1.  idea.config.path=D:/Android/.AndroidStudioPreview/config
    2. idea.system.path=D:/Android/.AndroidStudioPreview/system
  4. Now you can start android studio as fresh installation or you can move your old backed up folders to these locations
    1. D:\Android\.AndroidStudioPreview\config
    2. D:\Android\.AndroidStudioPreview\system

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